It concerns a device with a variety of purposes in cosmetics, dermatology, esthetic surgery, physical medicine and pain therapy, homeopathy, fitness and wellness programs. Mode of action of this device can best be explained with the term “syringe without needle” or rejuvenation without needles or scalpel, method without pain and risk of infection. Basically this device works on the principle of electroporation and electrrepulsion.These principles were discovered and improved in Italy three years ago and as brand new in the field of the biological science are as such approved by the FDA.
With the use of electroporation, channels on the surface of the skin are opened, through which large molecules and even genes can pass. Bioactive molecules such as collagen, hyaluronic acid, choline phosfadil are inserted through the skin. Until now, this part of the skin represented a barrier to the penetration of active therapeutic substances.
Under normal conditions the skin absorbs about 10 % of inflicted ingredients, and using ACTHYDERMA that percentage rises up to 90% and for the skin care products, plat extracts, and amino acids ACTHYDERM provides maximum skin renewal and helps with the creation of new collagen.