Dr. Howard Murad developed Enzyme treatment as a professional treatment for skin prone to acne.

Exfoliating fruit enzymes of pineapple and papaya along with antiseptics, antioxidants and anti-inflammatories remove surface cells and expand the pores and thus promote deep cleansing. The result is skin that is elastic, soft and with healthy glow, and can reduce acne without the irritation and redness.

Dr Murad Professional Treatments for acne-prone skin

Dr Murad Professional Treatments for acne-prone skin

Because this treatment dissolves dirt and deep clean pores, soothes redness and reduces irritation, and skin becomes brighter, softer and gets healthy look, is applied with all skin types as basic hygiene treatment. Its advantage compared to conventional hygienic treatment is that it can be applied even in the most sensitive skin and skin with dilated capillaries because it does not involve the application of heat procedure (mating skin with vapozone or thermal masks) for opening the pores, which damages the blood vessels and connective tissue of the skin. Treatment excludes comedo expression (mechanical cleaning) resulting in bruises, scars, hyper pigmentation and not to mention just how much the procedure was painful and unpleasant.

Enzyme treatment is very simple, pleasant, takes only about 40 minutes and after the treatment your skin looks fresh without any redness and irritation, unpleasant and painful traces od comedo expression so you can immediately return to your daily activities.

The enzymatic treatment in acne therapy is applied in a series of six treatments once a week, and then the treatment is repeated once a month to complete recovery.

When the enzyme treatment is provided as hygienic treatment based on the type and the condition of skin treatment is usually repeated once a month or once in two months.

The enzymatic treatment is not recommended immediately after microdermabrasion, it is necessary to wait for 7 -10 days, and also for the freshly depilated skin (wait for 24-48 hours). The treatment is contraindicated for individuals who have atopic constitution.